The Holy Father has decided that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, something which happens every 25 years. The theme is “Pilgrims of Hope”.
The Holy Father has decided that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, something which happens every 25 years.
The theme is “Pilgrims of Hope”, and it will be a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and a climate crisis.
Preparations for the 2025 Year of Jubilee will begin in Advent 2023, which will mark the start of a year of prayer. The Bishops’ Conference will be producing resources for the preparatory year of prayer, focusing on the Our Father, as well as resources about Jubilee in the Catholic Church.
For use by parishes, priests, religious, laypeople, and more, these resources will help guide you as you ready yourself for this most vital year in the Church’s life.
Letter of the Holy Father Francis for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation for the Jubilee 2025.
“Jubilee” is the name given to a particular year. A time to re-establish a proper relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation.
The Holy Father has asked that 2024 be a 'Year of Prayer' to prepare for the Jubilee. This section offers resources, including the Our Father in different languages.
Here we will explore four Constitutions of Vatican II: Sacrosanctum Concilium - the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Lumen Gentium - Light of the Nations, Dei Verbum - Word of God, Gaudium et spes - the Church in the Modern World.
There are six issues challenging us to live the Jubilee in our churches and communities today, this section offers resources on these issues.
The Jubilee, which in itself is expressed as an event of people on pilgrimage to the Holy Door, also uses song as one of the ways of expressing its motto, “Pilgrims of Hope”.