Primary Schools

Activity sheets, Scripture tools and resources to help nurture faith in our schools.

Secondary Schools
The Bible Alive in Church Poster

Download our free poster and discover what a Catholic Church looks like inside and how our worship in Church has its basis in Scripture.

Posters for Schools and Parishes

Free downloadable posters ready for you to use in your school or parish today.

Guide to Working with Catholics

Mass Observation is a full-colour guide to working with Catholics. It explains Catholicism's key teachings, traditions, culture, practices and top tips for working in a Catholic context. Ideal for schools and parishes and anyone who wants to learn about the Catholic Church and what Catholics believe and do in daily life.

Poetry Challenge: Let the Scriptures Speak

Engage pupils with the Bible and develop their literary, scriptural and artistic gifts.

Run your own Noah Day!

Download our free collective worship plans and other resources for primary and secondary schools here.

Proverbs School Challenge

We've created a Proverbs Challenge for both Primary and Secondary Schools - to get pupils writing their own modern-day Proverbs.

Inclusive Catechesis resources

Helpful catechetical resources and support for people living with additional needs and disabilities including autism, ADHD, neuro diversity and Down's.

Plain English Stories

Our Plain English Stories for Christmas and Easter are designed for children who prefer the Bible in plain English words and pictures.