Praying the Hours

Here is a powerpoint resource to help you pray the Liturgy of the Hours. Whatever time it is, and wherever you are in the world, you can join in with the Church's life of prayer.

“Pray without ceasing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:17

The Liturgy of the Hours also called the Divine Office is the public prayer of the Church, which through the centuries has responded to the call to pray without ceasing. As Christ is with us throughout time: past, present and future, this continuous praying makes each hour holy and enables us to offer up the whole day and night to praising God.

Structure of the Liturgy of the Hours

This official set of prayers marking the hours of each day in prayer is structured in three hourly intervals using their Latin names:

12am – Matins
3am – Lauds
6am – Prime
9am – Terce
12pm – Sext
3pm – Nones
6pm – Vespers
9pm – Compline

How to use Scriptures and Pictures powerpoint slides.

Wherever you are, you can meditate on these short Scripture texts and images as you set aside time for God.