
Press releases, news, statements and more.

The Samaritan Woman at the Well

Fleur looks at a symbolist painting to understand the well-known story of the Samaritan woman with fresh eyes. More >

Video: The Nativity

Watch our video on this beautiful painting of the Nativity by the Pre-Raphaelite artist Arthur Hughes which hangs in Birmingham City Art Gallery & Museum. More >

Building Community: Seeking the Kingdom on Earth

Fleur Dorrell looks at how we can build community using the Bible as our guide and key Catholic Social Teaching principles. More >

Simon Peter’s mother-in-law

Fleur compares the Synoptic gospel accounts of the healing of Simon Peter’s Mother-in-Law while studying James Tissot’s painting of this miracle. More >

St John’s Gospel Posters

Come and See with John through this visual representation of his Gospel. Discover how John ‘sees’ Christ from another perspective and in a different style of language. More >

Posters for Schools and Parishes

Download our selection of free posters here. More >

St Luke’s Gospel

Luke's account of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ contains some of the most well known Bible stories, parables and teachings. More >

Silent Women

Fr Michael Winstanley SDB gives us a fascinating perspective on the women’s reactions at the tomb of Jesus. More >

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