Throughout the year, Stuart Ford helps us to reflect on the Sunday readings through the images of Seeds, Saplings and Fruit.
Also in Sunday Reflections
Sunday Reflections Year A >Throughout the year, Stuart Ford helps us to reflect on the Sunday readings through the images of Seeds, Saplings and Fruit.
You’ll notice that they’re structured into three parts:
You might find these useful if you are:
a) listening in the pews – particularly the Sapling section might help you reflect more deeply on the readings.
b) a priest or a deacon preparing a homily – particularly the Seed and Fruit sections might help you to prepare your sermon.
Enjoy your encounter with the Lord in his word!
Stuart Ford is a member of the God Who Speaks and Bible Society Teams. He is a freelance writer.
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Explore October's Sunday Reflections from the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time to the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time.
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Explore August's Sunday Reflections from the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time to the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time.
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Engage with February's Sunday reflections for Year B from the 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time to the 2nd Sunday of Lent.
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Insightful Sunday reflections from Advent through to the Feast of the Holy Family for Year B.