Through the year, David Jackson helps us to reflect on the Sunday readings each month. He invites us into a dialogue of the heart with God and the Scriptures.
Also in Sunday Reflections
Sunday Reflections Year B >Here we share reflections on the Sunday Mass readings for Year A.
These reflections are an invitation to read the Bible in a variety of forms, and as a loving dialogue between God and humanity.
The Church leaves us on the brink of how Christ becomes visible and touchable - incarnate as a newborn child.
We acknowledge the unique love of God made manifest in Christ and that we have no exclusive right to its benefits.
God invites us to renew our minds, to make a new offering of our whole self, and a turning away from the world’s ways.
An essential part of the divine-human relationship is that it respects our humanity and addresses us in language we can understand.
There are those who hear the Word of God and those who do not. Divine encounter is offered to us all – but we must choose to take part in it.
Friends of God, like the prophets, gospel writers and disciples have complete trust that God is their champion and is at their side.
After the resurrection and through the new “body” of Christ is the Church, gathered as sign and sacrament of God’s all-pervasive presence.
Suffering, silence and the grave cannot confine or defeat Jesus in his death. The resurrection of all creation begins with Christ and continues to the ends of the earth.
A picture is painted of the God who rescues all humanity out of his immeasurable “grace-full-ness”.
The call to follow Christ is not easy and there are many distractions along the way, but it is infinitely worthwhile.
The light has come. See how peoples of all nations in all ages are united in Jesus Christ.
Journey with Isaiah, Matthew, Luke and John this Advent and discover how Christ’s coming speaks to us in every age.