Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon examines the idea of scientific truth and how science and Scripture inform particular areas of Catholic teaching.
Also in Scripture & Science
Series 2 > What’s in a number? The importance of mathematics in Scripture >
Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon is a parish priest in the South Wales Valleys, who read physics at Oxford and completed a doctorate at Cardiff (a study of the structure of distant galaxies) before entering seminary.
Fr Gareth discovers that in the Bible, Noah is not only depicted as the first climate scientist but also, the first biochemist.
Fr Gareth looks at Scripture, Tradition and Science to help us understand why baptism is an important sacrament in our Church’s teaching and practice.
Fr Gareth explores what the Bible says about our essence and identity. Do our popular terms help us to understand the human person better and make good decisions in life?
Fr Gareth explores the nature of Holy Communion through examining Jesus’ miracles and what we know in science about different truths.
Fr Gareth explores our family lines and turns to our ancestors and genealogies in the Bible to consider their spiritual significance.
Fr Gareth considers whether human beings are ‘special’ or just different from all the other creatures and what we mean by ‘human’ anyway?
Fr Gareth asks whether the universe, with all the creatures in it, was created by a miracle or a natural process? What might this mean to call God, Creator?
Fr Gareth explores whether we are created male and female? But does science support one of the most sensitive claims in Scripture, that we are created male or female?
Fr Gareth tackles infinity and the greatness of God. An all-powerful God is not required to do nonsensical things like create a square circle.
Fr Gareth asks whether death is the end of life or a change of form? Both Science and the Bible point to life’s power to prevail!
Fr Gareth explains how the moon guides our festivals, and the challenges of setting time, seasons and feast days around the world.
Fr Gareth wrestles with time in motion, Old and New Testament concepts of time, and faith in a future time.