How can Scripture help us to navigate science? How can science help to enrich our faith?
In this section we explore the dynamic relationship between Scripture, science and our faith as we consider the planet and its purpose.
Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon and Michael Pfundner help us to explore some big questions: why is there something rather than nothing and how did the universe come about? What is truth and how do we find it in Scripture and in daily life? What does it mean to be human, and why do we need to be baptised? How can the Eucharist be both bread and Jesus’ flesh? Where does modern science fit in?
While some regard science and faith as mutually exclusive, this series explores how Scripture can help us to understand their relationship more clearly.
Revd Dr Gareth Leyshon examines the idea of scientific truth and how science and Scripture inform particular areas of Catholic teaching.
Michael Pfundner helps us to explore some big questions: why is there something rather than nothing; how did the universe come about; and what is the relationship between science and scripture?
Numbers in the Bible have a greater significance than simply quantity. They can be symbolic and be used to express theological concepts throughout the Old and the New Testaments. David Blower, a theologian and former Mathematics teacher explores their relevance from measurements to salvation.