In this section we explore the dynamic relationship between Scripture and science as we consider the planet and its purpose.

Scripture and science touch on big questions: why there is something rather than nothing, how the universe came about, how we came to be here, what it means to be human, and where our species is headed. While some regard science and faith as mutually exclusive, this series by Michael Pfundner explores how they can offer complementary paths towards the truth.

Michael is Publishing Support Manager for Bible Society and a freelance writer.


How do we make sense of our world? What is the relationship between scripture and science?

Scripture and Science: A universe from nothing?

Why is there something rather than nothing? Is a belief in God compatible with scientific thinking?

Science: Friend or Foe?

Are evolutionary changes random or do they follow patterns? Does chance really exist or is the world guided by an invisible Being?

Science in Scripture?

If the Bible is divinely inspired, then is it factually true? Or is there another approach to the Bible that embraces mystery as well as logic?

Science: Law and Order

To what extent is the Bible ‘scientific’? Do Bible and science overlap?

Praying with the Giants: Faith and Famous Scientists

Can different truths be derived from different sources: the book of Scripture and the book of nature?

How do we read Genesis?

Is the doctrine of the Fall compatible with evolution?

The Origin of Science

How did we come to believe in a world that makes sense?

To Know or Not To Know: The Muddle of Being Human.

Is scientific knowledge safe in the hands of a fallen human race?