Research and analyse the issue

It is important to carry out either primary or secondary research or both to analyse issues you care about.

Without counsel, plans go wrong, but with many advisers they succeed.
Proverbs 15:22

What should I research?
It is a good idea to carry out your research with some basic questions in mind:

  • Who is affected by this issue?
  • What are the possible causes and effects?
  • What can be done to address the issue?
  • What are Jesus’ teachings in relation to this issue?
  • This will help to concentrate your work and make it solution-focused.

How do I do this?
Through primary research (research you carry out yourself) such as questionnaires, surveys, discussion groups and case studies.

Through secondary research (using other people’s research) such as council or government reports, resources from the relevant charities or organisations that focus on your issue, from websites, newspapers and other relevant magazines.

Once you have carried out your research, analyse the information in terms of your initial questions. It may be helpful to analyse the information using tools such as diagrams, flow charts and mind maps.

Example issue:

Low wage threshold to qualify for housing benefit acts as a disincentive to work.

Analyse the issue in terms of cause and effect. Use your own experience as well for insight into the issue and think about the historical and cultural contexts of the issue.

  • Is it a new issue or one that has affected previous generations, perhaps in different ways?
  • Is it an issue that affects one particular group of people, e.g. children or the elderly; or a particular area such as rural areas as opposed to towns?

It is good to ask yourself additional questions about your findings:

  • Have any of your findings surprised you?
  • Does the issue relate to other issues you are concerned about?
  • What else have you learnt?

Next Steps

  1. Identify the issue and get a group together
  2. Research and analyse the issue
  3. Identify potential solutions or ways of managing the issue
  4. Decide what message about the issue you want to get across
  5. Identify who needs to hear your message; and who you need to influence
  6. Decide how you will get your message across
  7. Create prayer resources and prayer events

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