Free downloadable posters ready for you to use in your school or parish today.
Download our free posters for schools and parishes on the Bible Timeline.
Download our free posters for schools and parishes on the Prophets and Kings.
Download our free posters for schools and parishes on Scripture and Citizenship
Download our free posters for schools and parishes and discover Bible values for building community.
Download our free Signs and Wonders posters for schools and parishes and discover the cosmos in Scripture.
Download our free posters for schools and parishes and explore the miracles of Jesus.
Download our free Jesus and the Power of Place posters for schools and parishes and discover the importance of where Jesus went throughout his lifetime.
Download our Bible Heroines posters and be inspired by some amazing women. Get creative with our writing activities and retell their stories for modern times.
Download our free See with John and Whistlestop Tour poster for schools and parishes and discover the Gospel’s message.
Download our free Serve with Luke and Whistlestop Tour of Luke’s Gospel posters for schools and parishes and discover the Gospel’s message of welcome and service.
Download our free Fish with Mark and A Whistlestop Tour of Mark posters for schools and parishes and discover the key highlights of this Gospel in a creative and fun way.
Learn more about Matthew the writer and use our Matthew Poster to follow the Gospel trail:
People of the Bible, can you work out who’s who in this poster?
Learn about Simeon and Anna’s great example of a prayerful life in older age. Ideal for your church or school as you celebrate the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus on 2nd February and World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly every fourth Sunday in July.
Who was St Joseph, and what can we learn about him from the Bible? Joseph is the patron saint of workers and fathers. Use this poster to discover more about St Joseph in your school and church.
What does the Bible tell us about the life of Mary? Share her extraordinary story with these two posters.
Enjoy learning Zechariah’s ‘Benedictus’ and Mary’s ‘Magnificat’ prayers said every Morning and Evening.
Learn more about Lent and Holy Week in the Bible. Download our free posters for your school or church.
This poster illustrates the different sections and books that make up the Bible.
Discover more about these 12 special friends of Jesus including their names and symbols.
In John’s Gospel, Jesus describes himself using
seven different images, beginning with ‘I am…’.
Discover what happens after Jesus’ resurrection.
Since the earliest times, symbols have been influential in every human culture. So these Catholic symbols help to deepen our faith and shape our prayer life as children and as adults.