Lent and Eastertide

Here's our great selection of free Lent and Eastertide resources for you to use at home, in your schools or churches.

Watch our video of Jesus’ humble act of washing his disciples’ feet before he was crucified by the artist Ford Madox Brown.

Watch Jesus Washing Peter’s Feet Video >

Watch our video of a Mediaeval knight who showed mercy to his enemy on Good Friday by the artist Edward Burne-Jones.

Watch our Merciful Knight Video >

Watch our video about the life-changing event between Jesus and Thomas after the Resurrection by the artist Caravaggio.

Watch our Doubting Thomas Video >

Symbols in Lent and Easter

Fleur Dorrell explores key symbols and their meanings in our Lent and Easter readings, worship and rituals.

Symbols in Holy Week

As we journey with Jesus from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, Fleur Dorrell explores the key symbols and their meanings during Holy Week.

Doors onto Salvation: Faith for the Lenten Journey

"Doors onto Salvation: Faith for the Lenten Journey" is a devotional Powerpoint Calendar for Lent, featuring daily reflections on images, Bible texts, and action points, leading up to Christ's death and resurrection.


Check out our posters for Lent, Easter and Pentecost here.

In this article, Fr Jerome Ituah OCD, presents Elijah, a prophet fleeing from his homeland because of the threat to his life, as a model of consolation to all those undergoing traumatic distress, especially our Ukrainian brothers and sisters.

Seven Last Sayings of Jesus

As our Lord Jesus Christ hung on the cross, he uttered seven last sayings or phrases. What were they and how can they help us as we contemplate Jesus’ passion and death? Fleur Dorrell explores a painting by the artist Robert Wright on these sayings and what they might mean for us today.

The Easter Donkey

A new and interactive way to tell the Easter story.

The Easter Triduum

What is the Easter Triduum and what happens on the three most important days in our Christian calendar? Fleur Dorrell guides us through each day as Jesus prepares for his death and resurrection.

Resurrection Hope

Join us as we celebrate Lent and Easter in this season.

Listening in Silence: Easter Glory

Spend some time listening in silence with this abstract painting by Priest-painter - Robert Wright as you journey this Eastertide.

The Easter Story in Plain English

Discover our unique Easter Story resource, written in plain English!