Identify the issue and get a group together

If you can persuade other people to join you in taking the issue forwards, you will find it easier and more encouraging than working alone.

“The Lord looked and was displeased that there was no justice.  He saw that there was no-one to intervene…”
Isaiah 59:15-16          

What is the issue?
There may be many issues that concern you but you need to prioritise the one that you can commit to, that you have some knowledge about, that you are passionate about challenging and that has serious consequences for your community or the wider world.

Issues can be identified through:

  • Conversations with other people.
  • Prayer and discernment together and on your own.
  • Noticing what is happening around you locally, nationally and globally.
  • Looking at the Media – the internet, newspapers, TV, radio, and social media.
  • Looking at Catholic Church policy statements and priority areas of work.
  • Reading resources from your local church, school network, workplace, or community news and council activities.

Get a group together
If you can persuade other people to join you in taking the issue forwards, you will find it easier and more encouraging than working alone.

Start with people you know in your family, friends, work, neighbourhood and church communities. Ask them if they are as concerned about an issue you have identified as you are; or are they concerned about other issues which you might decide are more important after some prayer and reflection. You could run a simple poll on identifying priority issues.

Invite other people to support your concerns on social media or through other media such as in your parish newsletter, poster in your local supermarket, surgery, dentist or library information boards, by posting a simple question with a contact email – such as:

i) are you concerned about the lack of affordable childcare in our area?
ii) are you concerned about the number of asylum seekers stuck in hotels because there is a lack of available housing?
iii) are you concerned that the government allows differences in healthcare provision across a highly diverse country?

Or you can create an event and invite people to discuss the issue either on Zoom or in your local church hall, community centre or other public building.

Next Steps

  1. Identify the issue and get a group together
  2. Research and analyse the issue
  3. Identify potential solutions or ways of managing the issue
  4. Decide what message about the issue you want to get across
  5. Identify who needs to hear your message; and who you need to influence
  6. Decide how you will get your message across
  7. Create prayer resources and prayer events

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