The Bible inspires learning, culture, art, music and literature. With a renewed love of Scripture comes the opportunity and desire to share it with others.
There are many pairings of 'heroes’ and ‘villains’ in the Bible, where it isn’t hard to see whose side to be on. What do you think sets our ‘heroes’ apart? More >
The birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ according to St Matthew. More >
Eleanor Lalley shares her experience of reading the Bible as a child and her desire to spark that enthusiasm in her own children. More >
Bible Society's programme of sharing Bible stories in primary school assemblies. More >
Activity sheets, Scripture tools and resources to help nurture faith in our schools. More >
Many artists in popular culture have used Christian religious imagery in their lyrics. We've picked out our Top Ten examples of this. More >
The gospel of St Matthew presents the whole life of Jesus from childhood to the cross and beyond. More >