The Bible inspires learning, culture, art, music and literature. With a renewed love of Scripture comes the opportunity and desire to share it with others.
What exactly happened to Jesus at his resurrection? What are the challenges for artists in portraying this extraordinary event? More >
Fleur Dorrell provides an overview of John's Gospel. Find out about the powerful symbolism and poetic style which are distinctive features of his writing. More >
Take a closer look at the life of St Joseph and at his key roles as the guardian of Jesus and Mary and the patron saint of workers. More >
Download our free poster and discover how our worship in Church has its basis in Scripture. More >
Fleur Dorrell explores some of the less commonly known symbols in art and scripture related to Our Lady, and their wider meanings for our faith and spirituality. More >
Fr Michael Hall considers why the vision of the Woman in Revelation is believed by Catholics to be a reference to Our Lady, Queen of Heaven. More >