
Not only do we need to hear and receive God’s word, we also need to put that word into practice. Scripture shapes our actions, choices and how we relate to God, our neighbours and to our world.

Valuing Difference in our Churches

How can both the Catholic Church and our local parishes become more inclusive and welcoming to everyone in our communities? More >

Faith-Sharing Group Guides

Small faith-sharing groups can take many forms. We've added several guides for use in your own parish, school or community. More >

Teaching Scripture: What we need to remember

Margaret Carswell signposts what we need to know when we read Scripture, its genres, forms and various meanings. More >

St Jerome

Cardinal Vincent Nichols on Masaccio's 'Saints Jerome and John the Baptist'. More >

Nativity at Night

Cardinal Vincent Nichols on Geertgen tot Sint Jans' painting 'The Nativity at Night' More >

The Incredulity of Saint Thomas

Cardinal Vincent Nichols on the painting 'The Incredulity of Saint Thomas'. More >

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