
Not only do we need to hear and receive God’s word, we also need to put that word into practice. Scripture shapes our actions, choices and how we relate to God, our neighbours and to our world.


An Introduction and Guide to using this Soul to Soul resource. More >

Soul to Soul

Download for free our six part series on Scripture and Wellbeing. More >

Session 1 – In your dreams

The Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night. (1 Kings 3:5) More >

Session 2 – Morning blues

In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed. (Mark 1:35) More >

Session 3 – Heat of the day

In everything you do be moderate, and no sickness will overtake you. (Ecclesiasticus 31:22) More >

Session 4 – Exhaustion

‘A sound of sheer silence.’ (1 Kings 19:12) More >

Session 5 – Dark night

‘As a father has compassion for his children, so the Lord has compassion for those who fear him.’ (Psalm 103:13) More >

Session 6 – New dawn

‘Zacchaeus, hurry and come down; for I must stay at your house today.’ (Luke 19:5) More >

Pentecost Novena on the Care of Creation

The Bishops of England and Wales offer this Pentecost Novena; prepared for the church in response to the latest Bishops' Plenary with the God who Speaks team. More >

Catholic Parish Discussion on Racial Justice

Our Lady of Fátima Church in White City have shared their important discussions around racial justice. More >

Pentecost and barriers to language

Rosie MacIntyre from Portsmouth Diocese offers us a unique perspective on Pentecost. She shows us how the Holy Spirit breaks down the barriers to communication among children and adults who use non-verbal language to share and engage with the Catholic faith. More >

Proverbs School Challenge

We've created a Proverbs Challenge for both Primary and Secondary Schools - to get pupils writing their own modern-day Proverbs. More >

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