
Not only do we need to hear and receive God’s word, we also need to put that word into practice. Scripture shapes our actions, choices and how we relate to God, our neighbours and to our world.

Time to Reflect

Why not try our self-directed retreat and other resources? More >

A Time for Everything: our self-directed retreat

Here we offer you a simple retreat that you can do yourself over a morning, afternoon or early evening. More >


Discover the power of the Psalms and live life to the full. More >

Thursday: The right to decent work and a fair wage.

David McLoughlin tackles unacceptable welfare conditions alongside Jesus’ teachings in the work place. More >

Introduction to Shafts of Light: Exploring the Psalms

The power of the psalms in all of life’s complexities. More >

Building Community: Seeking the Kingdom on Earth

Fleur Dorrell looks at how we can build community using the Bible as our guide and key Catholic Social Teaching principles. More >

Wednesday: Working for Kings

David McLoughlin considers a re-reading of the "wisdom" of King Solomon in 1 Kings 4 in light of some of our current employment practices. More >

Simon Peter’s mother-in-law

Fleur compares the Synoptic gospel accounts of the healing of Simon Peter’s Mother-in-Law while studying James Tissot’s painting of this miracle. More >

The Meaning of Life – Part 5 (Paradox)

How do we understand and manage paradox in our lives? More >

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