
Whenever we celebrate the liturgy, the Scriptures are proclaimed. We listen to God speaking to us with the Church. In the sacraments and through our prayers we celebrate and encounter Christ.

Healing Tree Activity

Download our free resource and create your own healing tree, based on the image in the book of Revelation, as you pray for loved ones who have died. More >

The Feasts of All Saints and All Souls

Fleur Dorrell explores why we celebrate the feast days of All Saints and All Souls. More >

The Christmas Story in Plain English

Download our free Christmas story resource designed for children who prefer the Bible in plain English words and pictures. More >

Posters for Schools and Parishes

Download our selection of free posters here. More >

Come Dine with Luke…

Take a closer look at the theme of hospitality in Luke's Gospel, that comes up again and again. More >

Room for God - in our Kitchen

Kitchens are key areas in our homes, they are where we welcome guests and spend time with family or flatmates. Discover how you can make more room for God and others in your kitchen here. More >

Family, Food and Fellowship

Find inspiration and resources to explore the Bible, food and fellowship with your family. More >

O for the wings of a Dove

To celebrate Pentecost this year, Fleur Dorrell looks at where and why the dove features in the Bible and other sources. More >


Discover more about the great feast of Pentecost and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit here. More >

Spirit and Life

Dr Maria Heath of Northampton Diocese challenges us to respond to God’s calling this Pentecost through exploring three Biblical words: WAIT, GO and COME. More >

Listening in Silence

Spend some time listening in silence with this abstract painting by Priest-painter - Robert Wright as you journey this Eastertide. More >

Silent Women

Fr Michael Winstanley SDB gives us a fascinating perspective on the women’s reactions at the tomb of Jesus. More >

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