Poems & Poster: Feast of the Presentation

Two poems and a poster for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Fr Mark Skelton accompanies Mary and Joseph as they meet Anna and Simeon and see the baby Jesus through the eyes and years of faith.

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Feast of the Presentation of the Lord – 2nd February

Anna and Simeon

He stumbles, as an old man might
who finds his answered prayer has come.
But unexpectedly, he finds
a baby is the ans’ring one.

She, who has waited long in grief,
a widow, decades on her own.
Now finds she dances, full of joy,
and shares with all what she’s been shown.

They saw the baby king, and smiled
at what this coming signifies.
They are the ones who understand,
who see, whom God did not surprise

The Feast of the Presentation

A peasant girl, new mother, lost and tired,
walks quietly in amidst the crowd, the noise.
Bears one small taper, with its tiny flame,
unnoticed by the ones who gather close.

One breeze could end the light before it shines
but husband hand, worn hard by hammer blow,
Though rough, shields gently with a fost’ring love,
and hopes to see this light develop, grow.

Two figures move from shadow to the light.
One knows he now can lay his burden down.
His waiting over, he has seen the hope
which will repel the darkness, light the throne.

The other; ancient woman, full of prayer,
whose decades wait has drawn her to this place;
finds movement pulsing in her creaking limbs,
her song renewed, this light floods worlds with grace.

By Fr Mark Skelton.
A priest of the Plymouth Diocese and a poet who has always had a keen interest in the interface between Literature and Theology.

Poster – Simeon and Anna in Scripture
What does the Bible tell us about the life of Simeon and Anna?
Share their story with this free downloadable poster for your home, school and church.