Disability in the Church Community

Here we reflect on disability and what the Bible has to say to our communities who are living with a disability.

Valuing Difference in our Churches

How can both the Catholic Church and our local parishes become more inclusive and welcoming to everyone in our communities? Here are some helpful reflections, questions and tools to model dignity among all peoples but especially towards those living with a disability.

The Bible and Disabilities

Pia Matthews takes us on a Scriptural journey to show how rich the Bible is in reflecting on disability, be this physical or mental. She shows us that Jesus is more concerned with what the purpose of the disability is rather than why the person is living with a disability. And leads us to see how God’s work is fully revealed in anyone who lives with a disability.

A Breakthrough in Communication

Watch this very moving video from Youtube of Naomi Feil, founder of Validation Therapy, and Gladys Wilson.