Women in Scripture: Iconic paintings, Poems and Music

We celebrate seven key women in the Bible through a unique collaboration of art, poetry and music.

To celebrate Women’s World Day of Prayer on 1st March and Women’s International Day on 8th March, we are promoting a unique collaboration of biblical art, poetry and music by Silvia Dimitrova, Bishop Graham Kings and Dr Tristan Latchford. Together they have created a Scriptural celebration of some of the most inspirational women in the Bible.

The format is as follows:

Seven iconic paintings of Sarah, Miriam, Ruth, Esther, Magdalene, Lydia and Priscilla by the acclaimed Bulgarian artist and icon painter, Silvia Dimitrova. These were commissioned by Alison and Graham Kings between 2003-2020.

Seven Biblical accounts of the women in book order.

Seven poems responding to the paintings and biblical texts by Bishop Graham Kings, in retirement Assistant Bishop in the Diocese of Ely, formerly founding Director of the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide, Bishop of Sherborne, and Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion.

Seven anthems for each woman responding to the paintings, biblical texts and poems composed by the internationally renowned musician and founder of Harmonicham record company, Dr Tristan Latchford.

‘The paintings: © Silvia Dimitrova 2021. The poems: © Graham Kings 2020. The music: © Tristan Latchford 2021. ℗ © Harmonicham Productions LLP 2022. All rights reserved.’

Bible quotations are from New Revised Standard Version, (Anglicised).


We celebrate Sarah, the wife of Abraham and mother of promise through art, poetry and music.


We celebrate Miriam the sister of Moses, prophet and saviour of her brother in art, poetry and music.


We celebrate Ruth, the Moabite widow and immigrant in art, poetry and music.


We celebrate Esther, the Jewish Queen of Persia in art, poetry and music.


We celebrate Magdalene, the apostle to the apostles in art, poetry and music.


We celebrate Lydia, the business woman and first convert of Paul in art, poetry and music.


We celebrate Priscilla, the tentmaker and co-worker of Paul in art, poetry and music.